Last week Noelani and her ladies were proud to be part of Tannie Evita’s 1000 Women against Violence luncheon at the CTICC.
This is a grand scale event run by the Wheat Womens Trust to raise both funds and awareness for this critical issue in our country, and after a two year break was extremely well supported by the women (and some brave men) of Cape Town.
Not only did Koelfontein sponsor the red wine for the event, but some Cecilia’s World snacks were also added to the beautiful goodie bags (made by one of the empowerment projects that the Wheat Trust supports) each lady got to take home with her!
Gerry Ransteli was the uber-glamorous hostess for the day, and both Pieter Dirk-Uys and Tannie Evita spoke passionately (and highly entertainingly) about all the issues of abuse, the politics of the day, and the need for good food!
Patron for the Wheat Trust, Mrs Wendy Ackerman, made a special plea to mothers to raise their sons to respect women so that the next generation can win against the scourge of domestic violence, while the brilliant ladies from Coda were also on-hand to entertain with their gorgeous instruments and voices.
Congratulations to Sue, Nompilo and Bregje from the Wheat Trust (as well as all the other staff and volunteers!) for a wonderful event, and we look forward to being part of it again next year!